A.E. Robinson

A.E. Robinson

A. E. Robinson Oil is a complete fuel company serving the Dover-Foxcroft area since 1950. We offer delivery of #2 Heating Oil, Kerosene, Diesel Fuel, Gasoline, Propane and Bio-Fuels. Our service department sells, repairs, and installs heating and cooling systems as well as plumbing services residentially and commercially. We provide a 24 hour emergency service to our customers. A. E. Robinson Oil offers fuel, snacks, full service delis, and vehicle repair at our 9 Convenience Stores and 2 Service Stations in Eastern and Central Maine.

PO Box 167
Dover-Foxcroft, ME 04426
Get Directions


Jim Robinson

207-564-7265 (Main)

207-564-8131 (Main)

jrobinson@aerobinson.com (Main)

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